“Yo solo obedezco a Shakespeare”
“Yo solo obedezco a Shakespeare”
“Yo solo obedezco a Shakespeare”

James Oglethorpe fundó la colonia de Georgia libre de alcohol, de esclavitud y de “esa plaga y flagelo de la humanidad llamados abogados”.
Bonus Track
The bird known as avocets is sometimes called “lawyer bird” because of its large bill and its oft-repeated vociferations
Peter J. Coleman. "Debtors and Creditors in America: Insolvency, Imprisonment for Debt, and Bankruptcy, 1607-1900". Ed. Beard Books, 1999. ISBN: 9781893122147. Pág. 233 https://books.google.cl/books?id=0Ynh_5HnR70C&pg=PA233