“Ground Control to Major Tom” (ni se imagina por qué)

“Ground Control to Major Tom” (ni se imagina por qué)

“Ground Control to Major Tom” (ni se imagina por qué)

El escenario de Glass Spider. Con elástico la cosa

Al dejar Roma durante la gira Glass Spider de 1987, el avión de David Bowie se vio forzado a volver al aeropuerto por aviso de bomba. Era una treta del jefe de policía, quien quería un autógrafo de Bowie.

“No estaba tan enojado como estupefacto”, comentó Bowie después. “Eso solo podía ocurrir en Italia”



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David Bowie Q&A, 1991 "On a plane on the Glass Spider tour. The plane was called back as it was about to take off from Rome airport and everybody thought there was a bomb on board. It was only when we came to a halt that we discovered the real reason–the chief of police wanted my autograph! I was not so much annoyed as stunned—that could only happen in Italy!"